The vtk module

The vtk module provides importing and exporting facilities for the popular VTK file format, which is used by many other programs such as paraview. Unlike morpho .mesh files, VTK files can include both Mesh and Field data. To load a mesh from a VTK file, use a VTKImporter object:

import vtk 
var mv = VTKImporter("file.vtk")
var m = mv.mesh()

Fields can be loaded in a similar way. Each field in the VTK file has an identifier, which is passed to the field method as a string.

var f = mv.field("F")
var g = mv.field("G")

Exporting requires a VTKExporter class,

import meshtools 
import vtk 
var m1 = LineMesh(fn (t) [t,0,0], -1..1:2)
var g1 = Field(m1, fn(x,y,z) Matrix([x,2*x,3*x]))

var vtkE = VTKExporter(g1, fieldname="g")