
The meshslice module is used to slice a Mesh object along a given plane, yielding a new Mesh object of lower dimensionality. You can also use meshslice to project Field objects onto the new mesh.

To use the module, begin by importing it:

import meshslice 

Then construct a MeshSlicer object, passing the mesh you want to slice in the constructor:

var slice = MeshSlicer(mesh)

You then perform a slice by calling the slice method, passing the plane you want to slice through. This method returns a new Mesh object comprising the slice. A plane is defined by a point that lies on the plane pt and a direction normal to the plan dirn:

var slc = slice.slice(pt, dirn)

Having performed a slice, you can then project any associated Field objects onto the sliced mesh by calling the slicefield method:

var phi = Field(mesh, fn (x,y,z) x+y+z)
var sphi = slice.slicefield(phi)

The new field returned by slicefield lives on the sliced mesh. You can slice any number of fields.

You can perform multiple slices with the same MeshSlicer simply by calling slice again with a different plane.


This error occurs if you try to use slicefield on a MeshSlicer without having performed a slice. For example:

var slice = MeshSlicer(mesh)
slice.slicefield(phi) // Throws SlcEmpty

To fix, call slice before slicefield:

var slice = MeshSlicer(mesh)
slice.slicefield(phi) // Now slices correctly