
Variables are defined using the var keyword followed by the variable name:

var a

Optionally, an initial assignment may be given:

var a = 1

Variables defined in a block of code are visible only within that block, so

var greeting = "Hello"
    var greeting = "Goodbye"
    print greeting
print greeting

will print

Goodbye Hello

Multiple variables can be defined at once by separating them with commas

var a, b=2, c[2]=[1,2]

where each can have its own initializer (or not).


Morpho provides a number of collection objects, such as List, Range, Array, Dictionary, Matrix and Sparse, that can contain more than one value. Index notation (sometimes called subscript notation) is used to access elements of these objects.

To retrieve an item from a collection, you use the [ and ] brackets like this:

var a = List("Apple", "Bag", "Cat")
print a[0]

which prints Apple. Note that the first element is accessed with 0 not 1.

Similarly, to set an entry in a collection, use:


which would replaces the first element in a with "Adder".

Some collection objects need more than one index,

var a = Matrix([[1,0],[0,1]])
print a[0,0]

and others such as Dictionary use non-numerical indices,

var b = Dictionary()

as in this dictionary of state capitals.