
The meshgen module is used to create Mesh objects corresponding to a specified domain. It provides the MeshGen class to perform the meshing, which are created with the following arguments:

MeshGen(domain, boundingbox)

Domains are specified by a scalar function that is positive in the region to be meshed and locally smooth. For example, to mesh the unit disk:

var dom = fn (x) -(x[0]^2+x[1]^2-1)

A MeshGen object is then created and then used to build the Mesh like this:

var mg = MeshGen(dom, [-1..1:0.2, -1..1:0.2])
var m =

A bounding box for the mesh must be specified as a List of Range objects, one for each dimension. The increment on each Range gives an approximate scale for the size of elements generated.

To facilitate convenient creation of domains, a Domain class is provided that provides set operations union, intersection and difference.

MeshGen accepts a number of optional arguments:

  • weight A scalar weight function that controls mesh density.
  • quiet Set to true to suppress MeshGen output.
  • method a list of options that controls the method used.

Some method choices that are available include:

  • "FixedStepSize" Use a fixed step size in optimization.
  • "StartGrid" Start from a regular grid of points (the default).
  • "StartRandom" Start from a randomly generated collection of points.

There are also a number of properties of a MeshGen object that can be set prior to calling build to control the operation of the mesh generation:

  • stepsize, steplimit Stepsize used internally by the Optimizer
  • fscale an internal "pressure"
  • ttol how far the vertices are allowed to move before retriangulation
  • etol energy tolerance for optimization problem
  • maxiterations Maximum number of iterations of minimization + retriangulation (default is 100)

MeshGen picks default values that cover a reasonable range of uses.


The Domain class is used to conveniently build a domain by composing simpler elements.

Create a Domain from a scalar function that is positive in the region of interest:

var dom = Domain(fn (x) -(x[0]^2+x[1]^2-1))

You can pass it to MeshGen to specify the region to mesh:

var mg = MeshGen(dom, [-1..1:0.2, -1..1:0.2])

You can combine Domain objects using set operations union, intersection and difference:

var a = CircularDomain(Matrix([-0.5,0]), 1)
var b = CircularDomain(Matrix([0.5,0]), 1)
var c = CircularDomain(Matrix([0,0]), 0.3)
var dom = a.union(b).difference(c)


Conveniently constructs a Domain object correspondiong to a disk. Requires the position of the center and a radius as arguments.

Create a domain corresponding to the unit disk:

var c = CircularDomain([0,0], 1)


Conveniently constructs a Domain object corresponding to a rectangle. Requires a list of ranges as arguments. Works in arbitrary dimensions

Create a square Domain:

var c = RectangularDomain([-1..1, -1..1])


Conveniently constructs a Domain object correspondiong to a half space defined by a plane at x0 and a normal n:

var hs = HalfSpaceDomain(x0, n)

Note n is an "outward" normal, so points into the excluded region.

Half space corresponding to the allowed region x<0:

var hs = HalfSpaceDomain(Matrix([0,0,0]), Matrix([1,0,0]))

Note that HalfSpaceDomains cannot be meshed directly as they correspond to an infinite region. They are useful, however, for combining with other domains.

Create half a disk by cutting a HalfSpaceDomain from a CircularDomain:

var c = CircularDomain([0,0], 1)
var hs = HalfSpaceDomain(Matrix([0,0]), Matrix([-1,0]))
var dom = c.difference(hs) 
var mg = MeshGen(dom, [-1..1:0.2, -1..1:0.2], quiet=false)
var m =


The MeshGen module currently supports 2 and 3 dimensional meshes. Higher dimensional meshing will be available in a future release; please contact the developer if you are interested in this functionality.