Windows via Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Windows support is provided through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which is an environment that enables windows to run linux applications. We highly recommend using WSL2, which is the most recent version and provides better support for GUI applications; some instructions for WSL1 are provided below.

  1. Begin by installing the Ubuntu App from the Microsoft store. Follow all the steps in this link to ensure that graphics are working.

  2. Once the Ubuntu terminal is working in Windows, you can install morpho either through homebrew or by building from source.

Graphics On WSL1

If you instead are working on WSL1, then you need to follow these instructions to get graphics running. Unless mentioned otherwise, all the commands below are run in the Ubuntu terminal.

  1. A window manager must be installed so that the WSL can create windows. On Windows, install VcXsrv. It shows up as XLaunch in the Windows start menu.

  2. Open Xlaunch. Then,

    1. choose 'Multiple windows', set display number to 0, and hit 'Next'

    2. choose 'start no client' and hit 'Next'

    3. Unselect 'native opengl' and hit 'Next'

    4. Hit 'Finish'

  3. In Ubuntu download a package containing a full suite of desktop utilities that allows for the use of windows.

    sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop mesa-utils

    Tell ubuntu which display to use

    export DISPLAY=localhost:0

    To set the DISPLAY variable on login type

    echo export DISPLAY=localhost:0 >> ~/.bashrc 

    [Note that this assumes you are using bash as your terminal; you will may to adjust this line for other terminals].

  4. Test that the window system is working by running


    which should open a window with some gears.