
A number of functionals are available in Morpho. Each of these represents an integral over some Mesh and Field objects (on a particular Selection) and are used to define energies and constraints in an OptimizationProblem provided by the optimize module.

Many functionals are built in. Additional functionals are available by importing the functionals module:

import functionals

Functionals provide a number of standard methods:

  • total(mesh) - returns the value of the integral with a provided mesh, selection and fields
  • integrand(mesh) - returns the contribution to the integral from each element
  • gradient(mesh) - returns the gradient of the functional with respect to vertex motions.
  • fieldgradient(mesh, field) - returns the gradient of the functional with respect to components of the field

Each of these may be called with a mesh, a field and a selection.


A Length functional calculates the length of a line element in a mesh.

Evaluate the length of a circular loop:

import constants
import meshtools
var m = LineMesh(fn (t) [cos(t), sin(t), 0], 0...2*Pi:Pi/20, closed=true)
var le = Length()


An AreaEnclosed functional calculates the area enclosed by a loop of line elements.

var la = AreaEnclosed()


An Area functional calculates the area of the area elements in a mesh:

var la = Area()


A VolumeEnclosed functional is used to calculate the volume enclosed by a surface. Note that this estimate may become inaccurate for highly deformed surfaces.

var lv = VolumeEnclosed()


A Volume functional calculates the volume of volume elements.

var lv = Volume()


The ScalarPotential functional is applied to point elements.

var ls = ScalarPotential(potential)

You must supply a function (which may be anonymous) that returns the potential. You may optionally provide a function that returns the gradient as well at initialization:

var ls = ScalarPotential(potential, gradient)

This functional is often used to constrain the mesh to the level set of a function. For example, to confine a set of points to a sphere:

import optimize
fn sphere(x,y,z) { return x^2+y^2+z^2-1 }
fn grad(x,y,z) { return Matrix([2*x, 2*y, 2*z]) }
var lsph = ScalarPotential(sphere, grad)

See the thomson example for use of this technique.


The LinearElasticity functional measures the linear elastic energy away from a reference state.

You must initialize with a reference mesh:

var le = LinearElasticity(mref)

Manually set the poisson's ratio and grade to operate on:

le.poissonratio = 0.2
le.grade = 2


The EquiElement functional measures the discrepency between the size of elements adjacent to each vertex. It can be used to equalize elements for regularization purposes.


The LineCurvatureSq functional measures the integrated curvature squared of a sequence of line elements.


The LineTorsionSq functional measures the integrated torsion squared of a sequence of line elements.


The MeanCurvatureSq functional computes the integrated mean curvature over a surface.


The GaussCurvature computes the integrated gaussian curvature over a surface.

Note that for surfaces with a boundary, the integrand is correct only for the interior points. To compute the geodesic curvature of the boundary in that case, you can set the optional flag geodesic to true and compute the total on the boundary selection. Here is an example for a 2D disk mesh.

var mesh = Mesh("disk.mesh")
var whole = Selection(mesh, fn(x,y,z) true)
var bnd = Selection(mesh, boundary=true)
var interior = whole.difference(bnd)
var gauss = GaussCurvature()
print, selection=interior) // expect: 0
gauss.geodesic = true
print, selection=bnd) // expect: 2*Pi


The GradSq functional measures the integral of the gradient squared of a field. The field can be a scalar, vector or matrix function.

Initialize with the required field:

var le=GradSq(phi)


The Nematic functional measures the elastic energy of a nematic liquid crystal.

var lf=Nematic(nn)

There are a number of optional parameters that can be used to set the splay, twist and bend constants:

var lf=Nematic(nn, ksplay=1, ktwist=0.5, kbend=1.5, pitch=0.1)

These are stored as properties of the object and can be retrieved as follows:

print lf.ksplay


The NematicElectric functional measures the integral of a nematic and electric coupling term integral((n.E)^2) where the electric field E may be computed from a scalar potential or supplied as a vector.

Initialize with a director field nn and a scalar potential phi:

var lne = NematicElectric(nn, phi)


The NormSq functional measures the elementwise L2 norm squared of a field.


The LineIntegral functional computes the line integral of a function. You supply an integrand function that takes a position matrix as an argument.

To compute integral(x^2+y^2) over a line element:

var la=LineIntegral(fn (x) x[0]^2+x[1]^2)

The function tangent() returns a unit vector tangent to the current element:

var la=LineIntegral(fn (x) x.inner(tangent()))

You can also integrate functions that involve fields:

var la=LineIntegral(fn (x, n) n.inner(tangent()), n)

where n is a vector field. The local interpolated value of this field is passed to your integrand function. More than one field can be used; they are passed as arguments to the integrand function in the order you supply them to LineIntegral.

The gradient of a field is available within an integrand function using the gradient() function.


The AreaIntegral functional computes the area integral of a function. You supply an integrand function that takes a position matrix as an argument.

To compute integral(x*y) over an area element:

var la=AreaIntegral(fn (x) x[0]*x[1])

You can also integrate functions that involve fields:

var la=AreaIntegral(fn (x, phi) phi^2, phi)

The local facet normal can be accessed in an integrand using the normal() function:

var la=AreaIntegral(fn (x) x.inner(normal())^2)

More than one field can be used; they are passed as arguments to the integrand function in the order you supply them to AreaIntegral.

The gradient of a field is available within an integrand function using the gradient() function.


The VolumeIntegral functional computes the volume integral of a function. You supply an integrand function that takes a position matrix as an argument.

To compute integral(xyz) over an volume element:

var la=VolumeIntegral(fn (x) x[0]*x[1]*x[2])

You can also integrate functions that involve fields:

var la=VolumeIntegral(fn (x, phi) phi^2, phi)

More than one field can be used; they are passed as arguments to the integrand function in the order you supply them to VolumeIntegral.

The gradient of a field is available within an integrand function using the gradient() function.


The Hydrogel functional computes the Flory-Rehner energy over an element:

(a*phi*log(phi) + b*(1-phi)+log(1-phi) + c*phi*(1-phi))*V + 
d*(log(phiref/phi)/3 - (phiref/phi)^(2/3) + 1)*V0

The first three terms come from the Flory-Huggins mixing energy, whereas the fourth term proportional to d comes from the Flory-Rehner elastic energy.

The value of phi is calculated from a reference mesh that you provide on initializing the Functional:

var lfh = Hydrogel(mref)

Here, a, b, c, d and phiref are parameters you can supply (they are nil by default), V is the current volume and V0 is the reference volume of a given element. You also need to supply the initial value of phi, labeled as phi0, which is assumed to be the same for all the elements. Manually set the coefficients and grade to operate on:

lfh.a = 1; lfh.b = 1; lfh.c = 1; lfh.d = 1;
lfh.grade = 2, lfh.phi0 = 0.5, lfh.phiref = 0.1