
The Mesh class provides support for meshes. Meshes may consist of different kinds of element, including vertices, line elements, facets or area elements, tetrahedra or volume elements.

To create a mesh, you can import it from a file:

var m = Mesh("sphere.mesh")

or use one of the functions available in meshtools or implicitmesh packages.

Each type of element is referred to as belonging to a different grade. Point-like elements (vertices) are grade 0; line-like elements (edges) are grade 1; area-like elements (facets; triangles) are grade 2 etc.

The plot package includes functions to visualize meshes.


Saves a mesh as a .mesh file."new.mesh")


Retrieves the position of a vertex given an id:

print m.vertexposition(id)


Sets the position of a vertex given an id and a position vector:

print m.setvertexposition(1, Matrix([0,0,0]))


Adds a new grade to a mesh. This is commonly used when, for example, a mesh file includes facets but not edges. To add the missing edges:



Adds a symmetry to a mesh. Experimental in version 0.5.


Returns the highest grade element present:

print m.maxgrade()


Counts the number of elements. If no argument is provided, returns the number of vertices. Otherwise, returns the number of elements present of a given grade:

print m.count(2) // Returns the number of area-like elements.