
The color module provides support for working with color. Colors are represented in morpho by Color objects. The module predefines some colors including Red, Green, Blue, Black, White.

To use the module, use import as usual:

import color

Create a Color object from an RGB pair:

var col = Color(0.5,0.5,0.5) // A 50% gray

The color module also provides ColorMaps, which are give a sequence of colors as a function of a parameter; these are useful for plotting the values of a Field for example.


Gets the rgb components of a Color or ColorMap object as a list. Takes a single argument in the range 0 to 1, although the result will only depend on this argument if the object is a ColorMap.

var col = Color(0.1,0.5,0.7)
print col.rgb(0)


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


Built in Color object for use with the graphics and plot modules.


The color module provides ColorMaps which are subclasses of Color that map a single parameter in the range 0 to 1 onto a continuum of colors. Colors and Colormaps have the same interface.

Get the red, green or blue components of a color or colormap:

var col = HueMap()
print // argument can be in range 0 to 1

Get all three components as a list:


Create a grayscale:

var c = Gray(0.2) // 20% gray

Available ColorMaps: GradientMap, GrayMap, HueMap, ViridisMap, MagmaMap, InfernoMap and PlasmaMap.


GradientMap is a Colormap that displays a white-green-purple sequence.


GrayMap is a Colormap that displays grayscales.


HueMap is a Colormap that displays vivid colors. It is periodic on the interval 0 to 1.


ViridisMap is a Colormap that displays a purple-green-yellow sequence. It is perceptually uniform and intended to be improve the accessibility of visualizations for viewers with color vision deficiency.


MagmaMap is a Colormap that displays a black-red-yellow sequence. It is perceptually uniform and intended to be improve the accessibility of visualizations for viewers with color vision deficiency.


InfernoMap is a Colormap that displays a black-red-yellow sequence. It is perceptually uniform and intended to be improve the accessibility of visualizations for viewers with color vision deficiency.


InfernoMap is a Colormap that displays a blue-red-yellow sequence. It is perceptually uniform and intended to be improve the accessibility of visualizations for viewers with color vision deficiency.