
The graphics module provides a number of classes to provide simple visualization capabilities. To use it, you first need to import the module:

import graphics

The Graphics class acts as an abstract container for graphical information; to actually launch the display see the Show class. You can create an empty scene like this,

var g = Graphics()

Additional elements can be added using the display method.


Morpho provides the following fundamental Graphical element classes:


You can also use functions like Arrow, Tube and Cylinder to create these elements conveniently.

To combine graphics objects, use the add operator:

var g1 = Graphics(), g2 = Graphics()
// ...


Show is used to launch an interactive graphical display using the external morphoview application. Show takes a Graphics object as an argument:

var g = Graphics()


A TriangleComplex is a graphical element that can be used as part of a graphical display. It consists of a list of vertices and a connectivity matrix that selects which vertices are used in each triangle.

To create one, call the constructor with the following arguments:

TriangleComplex(position, normals, colors, connectivity)
  • position is a Matrix containing vertex positions as columns.
  • normals is a Matrix with a normal for each vertex.
  • colors is the color of the object.
  • connectivity is a Sparse matrix where each column represents a triangle and rows correspond to vertices.

You can also provide optional arguments:

  • transmit sets the transparency of the object. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0.
  • filter sets the transparency of the object using a filter effect. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0. For the difference between transmit and filter, checkout the POVRay documentation.

Add to a Graphics object using the display method.


The Arrow function creates an arrow. It takes two arguments:

arrow(start, end)
  • start and end are the two vertices. The arrow points start -> end.

You can also provide optional arguments:

  • aspectratio controls the width of the arrow relative to its length
  • n is an integer that controls the quality of the display. Higher n leads to a rounder arrow.
  • color is the color of the arrow. This can be a list of RGB values or a Color object
  • transmit sets the transparency of the arrow. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0.
  • filter sets the transparency of the arrow using a filter effect. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0. For the difference between transmit and filter, checkout the POVRay documentation.

Display an arrow:

var g = Graphics([])
g.display(Arrow([-1/2,-1/2,-1/2], [1/2,1/2,1/2], aspectratio=0.05, n=10))


The Cylinder function creates a cylinder. It takes two required arguments:

cylinder(start, end)
  • start and end are the two vertices.

You can also provide optional arguments:

  • aspectratio controls the width of the cylinder relative to its length.
  • n is an integer that controls the quality of the display. Higher n leads to a rounder cylinder.
  • color is the color of the cylinder. This can be a list of RGB values or a Color object.
  • transmit sets the transparency of the cylinder. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0.
  • filter sets the transparency of the cylinder using a filter effect. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0. For the difference between transmit and filter, checkout the POVRay documentation.

Display an cylinder:

var g = Graphics()
g.display(Cylinder([-1/2,-1/2,-1/2], [1/2,1/2,1/2], aspectratio=0.1, n=10))


The Tube function connects a sequence of points to form a tube.

Tube(points, radius)
  • points is a list of points; this can be a list of lists or a Matrix with the positions as columns.
  • radius is the radius of the tube.

You can also provide optional arguments:

  • n is an integer that controls the quality of the display. Higher n leads to a rounder tube.
  • color is the color of the tube. This can be a list of RGB values or a Color object.
  • closed is a bool that indicates whether the tube should be closed to form a loop.
  • transmit sets the transparency of the tube. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0.
  • filter sets the transparency of the tube using a filter effect. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0. For the difference between transmit and filter, checkout the POVRay documentation.

Draw a square:

var a = Tube([[-1/2,-1/2,0],[1/2,-1/2,0],[1/2,1/2,0],[-1/2,1/2,0]], 0.1, closed=true)
var g = Graphics()


The Sphere function creates a sphere.

Sphere(center, radius)
  • center is the position of the center of the sphere; this can be a list or column Matrix.
  • radius is the radius of the sphere

You can also provide optional arguments:

  • color is the color of the sphere. This can be a list of RGB values or a Color object.
  • transmit sets the transparency of the sphere. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0.
  • filter sets the transparency of the sphere using a filter effect. This parameter is only used by the povray module as of now. Default is 0. For the difference between transmit and filter, checkout the POVRay documentation.

Draw some randomly sized spheres:

var g = Graphics()
for (i in 0...10) {
  g.display(Sphere([random()-1/2, random()-1/2, random()-1/2], 0.1*(1+random()),       color=Gray(random())))


A Text object is used to display text.

Text(text, position)
  • text is the text to display as a string.
  • position is the position at which to display the text.

You can also provide optional arguments:

  • color is the color of the text. This should be a Color object.
  • dirn is the direction along which the text is drawn. This should be a List or a Matrix.
  • size is the font size to use
  • vertical is the vertical direction for the text
  • font is the Font object to use.

Draw several pieces of text around the y axis:

var g = Graphics()
for (phi in 0..Pi:Pi/8) {
  g.display(Text("Hello World", [0,0,0], size=72, dirn=[0,1,0], vertical=[cos(phi),0,sin(phi)]))