
Mesh sliced along three planes showing a scalar field interpolated onto each slice.

This example shows how to use the meshslice module to create a slice through a mesh for visualization purposes. The program uses a spherical mesh,

var m = Mesh("sphere.mesh")

and creates a couple of example Fields, one scalar,

var phi = Field(m, fn (x,y,z) x+y+z)

and one vector,

var nn = Field(m, fn (x,y,z) Matrix([x,y,z])/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2))

A MeshSlicer is created to do the slicing,

var slice = MeshSlicer(m)
var slc = slice.slice([0,0,0], [1,0,0])

and then interpolated Fields along this slice are created too,

var sphi = slice.slicefield(phi)
var snn = slice.slicefield(nn)

Grade 1 elements (edges) from the original mesh, together with the field phi interpolated onto three different slices, are shown in Fig. 7.10. The example program illustrates a few other different possibilities.