The povray module provides integration with POVRay, a popular open source ray-tracing package for high quality graphical rendering. To use the module, first import it:

import povray

To raytrace a graphic, begin by creating a POVRaytracer object:

var pov = POVRaytracer(graphic)

Create a .pov file that can be run with POVRay:


Create, render and display a scene using POVRay:


This also creates the .png file for the scene.

The POVRaytracer constructor supports an optional camera argument:

  • camera - a Camera object (see below / help) containing the settings for the povray camera.

The Camera object can be initialized as follows:

var camera = Camera()

This object contains the default settings of the camera, which can be changed using the following optional arguments, or by just setting the attributes after instantiation:

  • antialias - whether to antialias the output or not (true by default)
  • width - image width (2048 by default)
  • height - image height (1536 by default)
  • viewangle - camera angle (higher means wider view) (24 by default)
  • viewpoint - position of camera (Matrix([0,0,-5]) by default)
  • look_at - coordinate to look at (Matrix([0,0,0]) by defualt)
  • sky - orientation pointing to the sky (Matrix([0,1,0]) by default)

The default settings generate a reasonable centered view of the x-y plane.

These attributes can also be set directly for the POVRaytracer object:

pov.look_at = Matrix([0,0,1])

The render method supports a few optional boolean arguments:

  • quiet - whether to suppress the parser and render statistics from povray or not (false by default)
  • display - whether to turn on the graphic display while rendering or not (true by default)
  • shadowless - whether to turn off the shadows while rendering (false by default)
  • transparent - whether to render the graphic with a transparent background in the output PNG (false by default)


The Camera object can be initialized as follows:

var camera = Camera()

This object contains the default settings of the camera, which can be changed using the following optional arguments, or by just setting the attributes after instantiation:

  • antialias - whether to antialias the output or not (true by default)
  • width - image width (2048 by default)
  • height - image height (1536 by default)
  • viewangle - camera angle (higher means wider view) (24 by default)
  • viewpoint - position of camera (Matrix([0,0,-5]) by default)
  • look_at - coordinate to look at (Matrix([0,0,0]) by defualt)
  • sky - orientation pointing to the sky (Matrix([0,1,0]) by default)
camera.sky = Matrix([0,0,1])

The default settings generate a reasonable centered view of the x-y plane.