
The Meshtools package contains a number of functions and classes to assist with creating and manipulating meshes.


This function creates a mesh composed of triangles from a parametric function. To use it:

var m = AreaMesh(function, range1, range2, closed=boolean)


  • function is a parametric function that has one parameter. It should return a list of coordinates or a column matrix corresponding to this parameter.
  • range1 is the Range to use for the first parameter of the parametric function.
  • range2 is the Range to use for the second parameter of the parametric function.
  • closed is an optional parameter indicating whether to create a closed loop or not. You can supply a list where each element indicates whether the relevant parameter is closed or not.

To use AreaMesh, import the meshtools module:

import meshtools

Create a square:

var m = AreaMesh(fn (u,v) [u, v, 0], 0..1:0.1, 0..1:0.1)

Create a tube:

var m = AreaMesh(fn (u, v) [v, cos(u), sin(u)], -Pi...Pi:Pi/4,
                 -1..1:0.1, closed=[true, false])

Create a torus:

var c=0.5, a=0.2
var m = AreaMesh(fn (u, v) [(c + a*cos(v))*cos(u),
                            (c + a*cos(v))*sin(u),
                            a*sin(v)], 0...2*Pi:Pi/16, 0...2*Pi:Pi/8, closed=true)


This function creates a mesh composed of line elements from a parametric function. To use it:

var m = LineMesh(function, range, closed=boolean)


  • function is a parametric function that has one parameter. It should return a list of coordinates or a column matrix corresponding to this parameter.
  • range is the Range to use for the parametric function.
  • closed is an optional parameter indicating whether to create a closed loop or not.

To use LineMesh, import the meshtools module:

import meshtools

Create a circle:

import constants
var m = LineMesh(fn (t) [sin(t), cos(t), 0], 0...2*Pi:2*Pi/50, closed=true)


This function creates a mesh corresponding to a polyhedron.

var m = PolyhedronMesh(vertices, faces)

where vertices is a list of vertices and faces is a list of faces specified as a list of vertex indices.

To use PolyhedronMesh, import the meshtools module:

import meshtools

Create a cube:

var m = PolyhedronMesh([ [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [ 0.5, -0.5, -0.5],
                         [-0.5,  0.5, -0.5], [ 0.5,  0.5, -0.5],
                         [-0.5, -0.5,  0.5], [ 0.5, -0.5,  0.5],
                         [-0.5,  0.5,  0.5], [ 0.5,  0.5,  0.5]],
                       [ [0,1,3,2], [4,5,7,6], [0,1,5,4], 
                         [3,2,6,7], [0,2,6,4], [1,3,7,5] ])

Note that the vertices in each face list must be specified strictly in cyclic order.


The DelaunayMesh constructor function creates a Mesh object directly from a point cloud using the Delaunay triangulator.

var pts = []
for (i in 0...100) pts.append(Matrix([random(), random()]))
var m=DelaunayMesh(pts)

You can control the output dimension of the mesh (e.g. to create a 2D mesh embedded in 3D space) using the optional outputdim property.

var m = DelaunayMesh(pts, outputdim=3)


Attempts to equiangulate a mesh, exchanging elements to improve their regularity.


This function takes optional arguments:

  • quiet: Set to true to silence messages.
  • fix: Supply a Selection containing edges that should not be modified by equiangulation.

Note this function modifies the mesh in place; it does not create a new mesh.


Changes the dimension in which a mesh is embedded. For example, you may have created a mesh in 2D that you now wish to use in 3D.

To use:

var new = ChangeMeshDimension(mesh, dim)

where mesh is the mesh you wish to change, and dim is the new embedding dimension.


The MeshBuilder class simplifies user creation of meshes. To use this class, begin by creating a MeshBuilder object:

var build = MeshBuilder()

You can then add vertices, edges, etc. one by one using addvertex, addedge, addface and addelement. Each of these returns an element id:

var id1=build.addvertex(Matrix([0,0,0]))
var id2=build.addvertex(Matrix([1,1,1]))
build.addedge([id1, id2])

Once the mesh is ready, call the build method to construct the Mesh:

var m =

You can specify the dimension of the Mesh explicitly when initializing the MeshBuilder:

var mb = MeshBuilder(dimension=2)

or implicitly when adding the first vertex:

var mb = MeshBuilder() 
mb.addvertex([0,1]) // A 2D mesh


This error is produced if you try to add a vertex that is inconsistent with the mesh dimension, e.g.

var mb = MeshBuilder(dimension=2) 
mb.addvertex([1,0,0]) // Throws an error! 

To fix this ensure all vertices have the correct dimension.


This error is produced if you try to add an element to a MeshBuilder object but haven't yet specified the dimension (at initialization) or by adding a vertex.

var mb = MeshBuilder() 
mb.addedge([0,1]) // No vertices have been added 

To fix this add the vertices first.


The MeshRefiner class is used to refine meshes, and to correct associated data structures that depend on the mesh.

To prepare for refining, first create a MeshRefiner object either with a Mesh,

var mr = MeshRefiner(mesh)

or with a list of objects that can include a Mesh as well as Fields and Selections.

var mr = MeshRefiner([mesh, field, selection ... ])

To perform the refinement, call the refine method. You can refine all elements,

var dict = mr.refine()

or refine selected elements using a Selection,

var dict = mr.refine(selection=select)

The refine method returns a Dictionary that maps old objects to new, refined objects. Use this to update your data structures.

var newmesh = dict[oldmesh]


The MeshPruner class is used to prune excessive detail from meshes (a process that's sometimes referred to as coarsening), and to correct associated data structures that depend on the mesh.

First create a MeshPruner object either with a Mesh,

var mp = MeshPruner(mesh)

or with a list of objects that can include a Mesh as well as Fields and Selections.

var mp = MeshPruner([mesh, field, selection ... ])

To perform the coarsening, call the prune method with a Selection,

var dict = mp.prune(select)

The prune method returns a Dictionary that maps old objects to new, refined objects. Use this to update your data structures.

var newmesh = dict[oldmesh]


The MeshMerge class is used to combine meshes into a single mesh, removing any duplicate elements.

To use, create a MeshMerge object with a list of meshes to merge,

var mrg = MeshMerge([m1, m2, m3, ... ])

and then call the merge method to return a combined mesh:

var newmesh = mrg.merge()